Monday, March 24, 2008

Angkor Thom Magazione article from CamboFest 2007

Finally found a copy of Ankor Thom Magazine, feauturing coverage of CamboFest they'd done for last year's CamboFest--my friend Houy told me she'd "see a picture of me in a magazine" (along with a Golden Waterbuffalo) so I know this had to be it.

Herewith, please find scans of the article...
By the waqy, the WAB listing problem wasn't actually a problem at all; our liason had suspended the listing to provide us time to conduct the anticipatd dates change for CamboFest, since the last day of regular submissions was nigh-had she not locked the listing (de-listed it) we would have been compelled to continue with the original dates, since the new month would have begun already.
Anyway the short of it is, we were delistd for benign and legitimate reasons, basically to allow us a couple days to settle our new dates.
(((More later)))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes. really like this thread.